What is the purpose of this project?

Our purpose is to prove the efficacy of integrative medicine using natural means and substances along with nutritional and exercise programs to help heal clients who feel they have no other alternatives and are willing to participate in this project. We expect to track the progress of our patients on a regular basis and keep records of all examinations, improvements, adjustments, adherence to prescribed nutritional, exercise and lifestyle changes. It is our hope after 6 months to present proof of the effectiveness of our integrative approach to the public and open an important door for an introduction of an integrative approach to our current healthcare delivery system.
What is the National Integrative Health and Wellness Project?

We are a charitable organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) formed for the purpose of helping those in need of medical attention through a health and wellness program that is not currently available to them from other sources. Our purpose is to tend to those in need of medical attention and educate them in the process so they are better able to take care of themselves through proper nutrition, exercise and stress alleviation. We believe that a person armed with a good education on how and what to eat along with proper exercise and stress reduction methods will become a contributor to their community instead of a needy person to be cared for by the government.
What types of professional practitioners are involved?

They come from many different professions in the complementary and alternative medicine fields and include MD’s/Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Yoga Instructors, Tai Che Instructors, Physical Therapists, Clinical psychologists and many others.
What is Integrative Medicine?
Integrative health and medicine reaffirms the importance of the patient and practitioner relationship, focusing on the whole person, informed by evidence and making use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, health professionals and professions to achieve optimal health and healing goals. (Simply put, integrative health and medicine offer the best practices for optimal health and healing.)
Why Integrative Medicine?
Integrative Health and Medicine is the future of medicine, health, and wellness. This is because the old model is both broken and obsolete, and you can never fix things by fighting the existing reality. It is best to build a new model with the emphasis on health and wellness first. Clients must be educated in how to keep themselves well through proper use of nutritional and physical components that affect their wellbeing both physically and mentally. The old model would attack the symptoms but not get to the root of the real problem in integrative medicine we focus on the whole person instead of just treating symptoms.
Who would be eligible for service?
There are no set parameters we are here to help anyone who seeks help and is willing to be educated and willing to go through the process of changing their lifestyle. The clinics’ clients will be informed up front that we are only interested in helping people to regain their health and build a wellness program that can last them a lifetime but they must be willing participants. Not everyone will find this program works for them but those that are willing to make the necessary changes in their lifestyles will find that their health and lives will be much improved over a period of time.
How will we help these clients?
It will be different for each client depending on their particular problem. We will use only natural treatments or substances to fix a problem and we expect the client to adhere to the specifics of any program suggested by one of our team of practitioners and return at a specified time for re-examination and further consultation.
Who will be servicing our clients?

We have many volunteers from the medical community both MD’s, NMD’s and Chiropractors along with Physician Assistants and ancillary practitioners in the alternative and complementary medicine arena. Most of our volunteers have many years of experience in treating patients, are specialists in their respective fields and in-fact many are still running their own practices.
How will these services be paid for?
Our services are free to anyone in need, however; we will accept any donations that clients wish to contribute to the project.
How will the clinic be funded?
The clinics will be funded through donations from private, corporate and philanthropic organizations and from public fundraising drives.
Will we be writing prescriptions for medicines?

Our volunteers will not be writing pharmaceutical prescriptions for any of our clients since we are committed to dealing only with nutrition, natural nutritional substances, exercise programs, stress-related therapies and prescribed lifestyle changes.